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Our Home, Inc. treatment programs are located in Huron and Parkston, South Dakota and are licensed for a total of 98 juveniles.


The Huron facilities are located in Beadle county. This rural acreage is the site of the Huron PRTF Program, Rediscovery Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center and the Academic and Wellness Center. The Academic and Wellness Center contains the recreational facility and classrooms.


The Parkston programs are located in Hutchinson county. The Parkston PRTF consists of 17,000 sq. ft. to house our staff and youth. This, self contained environment also includes our academic school and gymnasium. Connections Treatment Foster Care is a licensed Child Placement Agency under the Our Home, Inc. umbrella of services. The Connections Treatment Foster Care program licenses Treatment Foster Homes in order to match youth with exceptional needs to the most home like setting possible


Our Home, Inc. has undergone many changes during its years of existence. These innovations have become a cornerstone of Our Home and they are part of the reason why Our Home is recognized internationally as a leader in the youth treatment field. 



Our Programs


 Educational Needs of the youth are addressed through cooperative agreements with the Huron and Parkston school districts. The programs are staffed by certified teachers. Classes are held in either self-contained or mainstream classrooms as appropriate to student's needs. Access to GED and special education training is available to meet the individual student needs.


Medical Services

Our Home, Inc., is a psychiatric residential treatment facility. Emergency treatment is available at the Huron Regional Medical Center. Emergency medical care is delivered in Parkston by Avera St. Benedict Health Center. Registered nurses are employed full time to monitor the health needs of the residents in all 3 programs.

Cultural Services

Cultural expression is encouraged as a tool to assist in the process toward holistic health. Culturally relevant staff training and cultural education groups are conducted to develop cultural awareness and appreciation.



Our on-site recreational facilities are equipped with basketball/volleyball courts, weight room and adjacent outdoor courts and softball fields. Access to other exercise and wellness facilities are provided through cooperative agreements.

Drug & Alcohol Treatment

• Primary Inpatient Drug & Alcohol Services

• Short-Term Substance Abuse Rehab Program

• Specialized Groups & Individual Counseling to     Address the specific needs of the youth

• Cultural, Spiritual & Educational Opportunities

Parkston Residential Facility

• Helping Trauma Survivors

• Helping Sexually Aggressive Females

• Anger Management Group Work

• Re-Socialization Opportunities available at         School and in the Community

Huron PRTF Treatment

• Treatment for Sexually Aggressive Males

• Specialized Groups and Individual Counseling to Address the Specific Needs of the Youth

• Cultural, Spiritual & Educational Opportunities



Connections Treatment Foster Care 
  • Person Centered Treatment Planning

  • Person focused 24/7 service delivery

  • Evidence based case management services

  • 24/7 crisis management

  • Weekly skill building groups


1973 Our Home, Inc. was started as a shelter for troubled youth by a group   of concerned citizens of Huron, South Dakota. 

1976 Shelter Program is converted to a a group care treatment center.

1986 Rediscovery Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center is established to treat youth with substance abuse disorder.

1989 ASAP is started to treat adolescent males with sexually acting-out behaviors. Group care program is expanded to include transitional care.

1994 Academic and Wellness Center is constructed to provide classrooms and recreational space for our Huron programs. 

1999 Completed the construction of a new building to house the Rediscovery Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center on the Huron Campus. Also, completed the construction of a 30 room sleeping addition to the ASAP program. 

2007 Parkston residential facility is constructed.

2010 Completed the construction of a new dining hall on the Huron Campus

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