Connections Treatment Foster Care
Connections Treatment foster care is the provision of enhanced foster care services to youth who have exceptional needs through additional case management and therapeutic services provided by the Connections child placement agency. Youth who have emotional, developmental, or medical disabilities are provided appropriate out of home therapeutic placement and other services designed to enhance their emotional and social functioning and well-being.
Connections Treatment Foster Care goal is to prevent placement in a more restrictive setting, or to allow youth to step down to a less restrictive setting. The Connections Treatment Foster Care program provides services through the licensing of salaried treatment foster parents who reside in homes provided by the Connections Treatment Foster Care program and through wrap around case management services to Treatment Foster Homes licensed by the Connections to serve youth in their own home.
Connections Treatment Foster Care provides person centered 24/7 case management services. Service provisions include but are not limited to 24/7 crisis management, person centered treatment planning, skill building groups, community resources, evidence based assessments, educational and extra-curricular activities.