Our Home, Inc. offers job opportunities for mental health care professionals and administrative and support staff at all levels of expertise. Major job categories include psychological therapy and counseling staff, youth supervisors, nursing staff, cooks, maintenance engineers, middle management and clerical staff. Educational requirements range from high school/GED to Ph.D.
We offer a competitive salary and comprehensive benefit package, which includes health, dental, and life insurance, cafeteria plan and 401 (k)
We welcome your inquires and encourage your applications.
Please contact us with any questions, concerns, or complaints you may have regarding Our Home, Inc. and the services we provide.
"This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer"
Mission Statement
Connecting youth and families with opportunities for healthier and brighter futures.
To achieve this mission, Our Home, Inc.:
• Strives to assess youth problems in an accurate manner, using approved adolescent testing procedures.
• Makes every effort to place clients in the least restrictive program possible so that normal developmental processes are not disturbed.
• Initiates a multidisciplinary treatment plan that incorporates the fields of medicine, psychology, education, recreation, community service, and other professions and disciplines when appropriate.
• Draws from community resources and employs networking concepts to ensure that clients experience a smooth transition back to their families and normal daily life.
Belief Statement
We believe in providing a safe environment where the youth of tomorrow are respected, valued, and provided opportunities to heal today.
To accomplish this belief statement and meet our mission, everyone who works for or is involved with Our Home, Inc. in any capacity must embrace the work we do through the following non-negotiable criteria:
• Leave biases at the door (Do not allow your attitude or stereotypes to affect your understanding of the work we do)
• Show up on time (Report for shifts on time and ready to meet our mission)
• Promote a safe environment (Champion the cause, the youth we serve are coming from environments where they have been hurt)
• Welcome new employees (We are in it together, when we welcome new employees it offers a better chance at success towards the mission)
• Invest in kids (Believe in the work we do by investing in the youth)
• Be flexible (Respect the ideas of others and be adaptable)
• Follow through (By doing what you say you are going to do, you are building trust)
• Accept help (Be teachable and accept the ideas of others)
• Be professional (Act in a way that others respect. Always remember these are someone else’s kids)
• Promote a respectful work environment (Respect leads to trust, safety and openness)
• You are not alone (No problem at OHI is an individual problem, we are in this together)
• Be a part of the solution (If you are going to complain about something, bring ideas to the table to fix the problem)